Selling your home may not be as straightforward as you might think. While there was a feeling that all you had to do was make your house available & it would sell,

5 Common Myths About Selling Your Home

Selling your home may not be as straightforward as you might think. While there was a feeling that all you had to do was make your house available & it would sell, even in the hot market we’ve had over the past couple of years it was good to go into selling with some knowledge & information. Now that the market is cooling some (and getting less insane!) it is more important than ever to know what you are heading into.

If the first offer you receive is good, that means that your property was priced correctly – not that it was underpriced. Pricing your home too high or too low will scare buyers away – too high & they won’t even look because it’s out of their price range. Too low & they will wonder what’s wrong with it – are there hidden issues with the foundation or roof? Pricing is crucial.

There is a LOT of paperwork and deadlines involved in selling your home. Just the contract to buy & sell is 19 pages – and that doesn’t include the addendums and disclosures that are required. Then there is title insurance, inspections, appraisals, closing documents… a real estate broker does this every day & knows what to expect.

Deep clean your house – really! Think Spring Cleaning on steroids. Make sure your windows are clean, your baseboards and corners are wiped down, your closets & storage areas are well organized & have open space. Your house can be amazing, but if it’s cluttered or dirty buyers won’t be able to see past that.

Don’t trust online valuation sites. Really. Working in appraising, I can tell you that they are seriously off most of the time. Talk with an agent that actually understands our market and the nuances that come with it.

Finding a good agent is key. They can guide you through this market and help explain what is happening every step of the way. Meet with several agents, see who “clicks” with you, and who feels knowledgeable. A knowledgeable agent that you feel comfortable with will make the process go much more smoothly. You need to feel comfortable calling them with questions.

If you are thinking of selling your home, I would love to sit down with you to discuss the process!

Email or call me today to set an appointment.



Are you looking for other tips on Selling Your Home? Check out my other blog posts for Sellers!

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